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Bidhaa Za Kifedha na Watoa Huduma Za Fedha

Total results: 50

Jina La Huduma Au Bidhaa Sort Mtoa Huduma Dhumuni Kiwango Cha Juu Sort Vigezo Vya Biashara Nyaraka Maalumu Zinazohitajika Kipindi Cha Kukusanya Mkopo (Miezi) Sort

Wanawake ni wasimamizi wa ajabu wa fedha. Wanaweza kusimamia biashara vizuri wanapowezeshwa. Pendekezo la Malkia linalenga hasa wajasiriamali wa na wanawake wa kitaaluma kuwasaidia kujenga biashara na kazi endelevu kwa kuwapa viwango vya riba za mimba, mahitaji yasiyo na juhudi, na Sheria na Masharti yasiyo na shida.

Ksh 50,000,000
  • Wanawake wenye biashara iliyosajiliwa au isiyosajiliwa
  • Mkopaji lazima awe mwanamke mwenye umri wa miaka 18 hadi 70
  • Lazima uwe na biashara iliyopo kwa angalau kwa Miezi 6
  • Lazima kumiliki biashara angalau kwa asilimia 50 au zaidi
  • Lazima uwe hai katika biashara sio tu kuwa na hisa

Biashara iliyosajiliwa

  • Leseni ya Biashara
  • Cheti cha bati

Biashara isiyosajiliwa 

  • Kitambulisho cha Machinga
  • Barua ya Soko
  • Vibali vya biashara vya ndani
ICB Bank
Ksh 30,000,000
  • Raia wa Tanzania pekee wenye umri kati ya miaka 18 hadi 60
  • SMEs zinajihusisha na shughuli za biashara na zinaendesha akaunti ya sasa na benki kwa miezi 12 iliyopita.
  • Umiliki wa pekee / Ushirikiano umesajiliwa kwa usahihi
  • Makampuni madogo ya dhima kuingizwa kwa usahihi
  • Inatumika kwa SME ambazo zina mauzo ya mkopo katika akaunti ya sasa ya TZS milioni 120 kwa mwaka kutoka tarehe ya maombi ambayo angalau TZS milioni 60 katika miezi sita iliyopita
  • Angalau uzoefu wa miaka mitatu katika kufanya biashara sawa au sawa
  • Biashara inapaswa kuwa na mtiririko thabiti wa fedha ili kutimiza majukumu ya kila mwezi ya biashara
  • Waombaji wanapaswa kuwa na mfumo sahihi wa uhasibu na pia inaonyesha uwezo wa kuendesha biashara kwa faida.
  • Waombaji wanapaswa kuwa na msingi (unaomilikiwa au kukodishwa)
NMB Bank

Term loans not exceeding ten (10) years for short, medium and long term investment in agriculture production, agriculture mechanization equipment purchase, warehouse/storage facilities construction, irrigation systems, processing units, and other agribusiness related investments.

Ksh 100 Billion
  • A year old registered and licensed existing business existing Business.
  • Business premises.
  • NMB Bank account  holder or provide a printed bank statement for a non NMB Bank account holder.
Maendeleo Bank PLC

Non-secured loans are available to individuals in groups of 5 members to 40 members doing businesses in the same locality.

Ksh 3,000,000
  • No, conversional security is required loan tenure of 4 months to a maxmimum of 12 months.
  • Be in a group with 5 members.
  • Have operational business runnning at least for 6 months.
  • Have identification documents (Borrower's documents).
  • Have identification documents (borrowers documents). 
  • Deposit savings to operational account.
Maendeleo Bank PLC

This is a customized product to enable Micro, Small and Medium enterprises to meet their working and investment capital needs.

Ksh 500,000,000
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
  • At least three years experience in operating the same or similar business.
  • Businesses must have a steady cash flow, Business licence from authorities in his or her own name.
  • Have identification documents (Borrowers documents).
  • Deposit savings to operational account.
Maendeleo Bank PLC

This loan was designed to boost farming projects and/or the value chain, expand production and supply for more profit by partnering with Maendeleo Bank

  • Farming with experience of at least two seasons.
  • Should have business records or transactions receipts.
  • Holder Maendeleo Bank account.
  • Introduction letter from village officer.
  • Identity card (voter / National ID).
  • Bank statement for 12 Months.
  • Certificate of registration.
Favourite Afri finance , business Development(business support)

Grofin provides funds to business, encompassing the necessary assistance, guidance, mentoring, handholding, coaching and value addition in business. Specialized in agri-finance, Business Development, Capacity building, Food security, production and value chain development.

  • National Identity card.
  • Document that seeking for a project must be legal.
  • Place for residence with local authorities and must be known by local leaders
Favourite Education Loan ,bussiness Loan and Group loan
FINCA Microfinance

FINCA Microfinance Bank Limited offers business and invest grow fast in future. Loan products are simple and designed to the unique needs of each customer. Once approved for any of loan products, you can access the funds within three working days.

  • National Identity card.
  • Document that seeking for project must be legal.
  • Place for residence with local authorities and must be known by local leaders.
ANZA Entrepeneurs

Anza Growth Fund provides capital leases to our entrepreneurs, giving them the necessary funding and tools they need to expand their businesses. Our financing is more affordable and flexible than other forms of capital available to our entrepreneurs in Tanzania.

Ksh 23,050,000
  • Must be Anza client accelerator.

To enable boda boda to own thier own motorbike

Ksh 2,500,000
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